SSD-inc • Forum Chat
It is currently 02 Jun 2024 16:31

Sun 16:25 | skiron

Hello, thank you Duane

Mon 19:12 | BMovie

Happy Birthday Hans

Sat 12:42 | Cuck McFuntish

Afternoon troops, hows things going? Still no rig to get back on here yet....hopefully start getting house rebuilt in next few months, projecting getting back in by about Xmas!

Fri 23:36 | skiron

Hey BMovie

Fri 17:42 | BMovie

howdy Yall

Mon 20:40 | Billyclub

server not working

Mon 15:13 | skiron

hello all, thx DOOM for the info, i ll check the maplist.

Fri 21:55 | DOOM

server restarts so not a big deal but something to be aware of

Fri 21:54 | DOOM

maybe an issue with name mismatch as map is gg_aim_rush but on the nominate/rtv it is Aim_rush

Fri 20:35 | DOOM

hey guys, aim_rush breaks the server apparently

Fri 19:15 | skiron

goodevening, have q nice weekend all.

Tue 19:14 | skiron


Sat 20:27 | Serialkiller

Hi guys, we need another donation drive please? I paid for the last lots of subs!

Wed 18:59 | skiron


Mon 22:41 | DOOM

also thanks again for adding maps skiron!

Mon 22:41 | DOOM

server stuck, needs admin to change map please

Mon 19:38 | skiron


Tue 18:44 | DOOM

PM Sent! Thanks Skiron

Tue 15:47 | skiron

If there is a map u dont want to play you can change it by using !nominate and !rtv commands

Tue 15:45 | skiron

Hey DOOM, u can post me the link of your maps and I ll add them on the server

Mon 18:56 | DOOM

Hey Admins, if I create a forum post about new map suggestions and have people add them from fpsbanana, etc would it possible you could implement some? Also maybe another post about maps that could be removed maybe? What do you think?

Wed 12:53 | skiron


Sun 16:35 | Calibrator

Ban Doom, far too many Cali Kills

Sat 15:33 | skiron

yoo, welcome on the forum

Sat 15:31 | DOOM

Thanks for sorting tha skiron. ello lads
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