Hello, can i make a few suggestions please. obviously understand you're probably busy fixing the server, but if you have time the maps could really do with a bit of refresh

gg_!give_LurchTimes - this is Churches & lego arena mixed together 2 of my favourite maps
https://gamebanana.com/mods/133396esl_gg_desert_outpost - this one is very small but we played it on Ted's GG server and it's actually good for like a 4v4 or less.
https://gamebanana.com/mods/133320GG_dS_arenahttps://gamebanana.com/mods/134608gg_azymute_arena_fixhttps://gamebanana.com/mods/133765If possible could we also submit a list of maps we'd like to remove at some point please?, there's a lot of maps that nobody want's to play and it sometimes causes the server to empty if they're too big for example.
I'll ask belfast and a few others to see what we think should be removed if that's ok?.