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 Post subject: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2023 02:25 
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Joined: 17 Aug 2012 16:26
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Location: Tokyo, Japan (Ex-Coventry)
So I came to realise I have not given any updates on how lifes been and the last update post was so long ago being in September 2016 so got quite a bit of catching up to do it seems with my 2nd family of SSDi.

I hope you are doing well to start off I keep popping on the forums every once in a while to see how all are doing and things seems quite here compared to the years gone past sadly.

But yeah in the last 6 1/2 years alots happen I guess that is worth a mention I won't spending 2 long typing as I am sure everyone is a busy bee :Gimp:
Obviously University I started in my last post is been done and finished for a few years now graduating in 2020 with flying colour but oh how coding is awful don't ever do it if you get offered the chance its dreafully boring :D

Then after university I was lucky enough to experience being a online entertainer for about a year as a twitch streamer which was super fun not going to lie (I guess doing what you want all day isnt going to be boring though xD) , just sadly I wasnt able to make ends meet fully with it and went into stagnation for growth so decided I gave it a try it didnt work out its a shame but it is what it is.

So I decided I should probably put my Computer Science degree to use , So for the nearly last 2 years now I have been working in the games industry for what people call one of the evil overlords of gaming space EA (Electronic Arts). I have the joy to work on 3 titles already being F1 2021 and F1 22 and for about the last 9 months and for the forseable future and working on a popular game out currently called Apex Legends. Honestly working in the games industry is brilliant super fun work with lots of potential and different paths to take for a career so I look forward to my years to come.

I guess a quick note romance wise , I am living the single pringle life at the moment women are expensive to say the least and I am just on that work grind, no distraction for me is how I am treating it xD
Also you will probably see me on the server more this year as people might of seen I have been popping my head on the GG server more again in the last 6 months (the cheating accusations have already begun on the server, though the logic of a long standing member and admin cheating is so stupid I don't understand it how people think sometimes :wtf: ) But yeah I am going to be more active and enjoying my time that I have left to be able to as in either April or August of 2024 I am going to be moving to all the way to the other side of the world to Japan for future work and propects and the plans are already set in stone and inplace just a matter of saving at the moment as I have quite got the funds to be happy moving with, but yeah will be quite hard to play on the server giving the ping and timezone issues that I would have. But I want to cherish the times I can have playing a bit more GG on the classic server with you all while I can.

But yeah I think that raps up the major storylines of the last half decade and a bit , University took up most of it to be honest. But yeah again hope you and all your family are doing well and hopefully will see more of you all on the GG server soon!

Much Love to you all,
Lemonz/Bren (probably will see me on the server as Kaz or Kazu nowadays though :dancey: :dancey: :dancey: )

 Post subject: Re: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2023 13:53 
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Joined: 03 Jun 2012 00:34
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Hey Lemon,

thx for the update :cheer:

and all the luck when you go to Japan. :beer:

 Post subject: Re: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2023 18:49 
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Joined: 17 Aug 2012 16:26
Posts: 997
Location: Tokyo, Japan (Ex-Coventry)
Cheers Hans, I'll 100% make sure to send people sweets treats and little goodies if they want while I am out there for sure also! :D

 Post subject: Re: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2023 18:52 
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Joined: 10 Jan 2013 21:51
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Good to hear from you mate and glad you're doing well! All the best with the move to Japan and hope to catch you on CSS some time soon :)

1. The overcoming of an enemy, opponent, or any difficulty; triumph.
2. To succeed in an effort or endeavor.
 Post subject: Re: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 27 Jan 2023 21:29 
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Joined: 03 Jun 2012 00:34
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btw do you speak japanese?

 Post subject: Re: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 28 Jan 2023 00:02 
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Joined: 13 Apr 2015 19:14
Posts: 95
No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women, No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it's dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger. Everyone avoids me like a psyched Lone Ranger, Everyone.

 Post subject: Re: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 28 Jan 2023 00:02 
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Joined: 17 Aug 2012 16:26
Posts: 997
Location: Tokyo, Japan (Ex-Coventry)
Cheers Elliott yeah we have to pop some head soon :D

I speak a little current Hans , its getting there but I need the qualification of speaking the language at fluency level before I can work there anyways so I am currently saving to afford my language school costs there as it takes 1-2 years to usual get to that level from a basic conversational level which I am getting near to.

 Post subject: Re: Life Updates v2! :D
PostPosted: 29 Jan 2023 15:49 
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Joined: 03 Jun 2012 00:34
Posts: 2281
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Calibrator {l Wrote}:
No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women, No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it's dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger. Everyone avoids me like a psyched Lone Ranger, Everyone.

Hello Cali, seems you re a bit down?
Open a new thread in the general chat if u want do have a chat or share things with us.



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