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 Post subject: Server Rules
PostPosted: 25 Aug 2012 22:36 
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SSDi Server rules

1. No cheats are allowed on the servers. This includes but is not limited to Wallhacks, aimbots, speedhacks, pingmasks or any other form of getting an unfair advantage over other players.
Use of any of these things will lead to a permanent ban!

2. Disrespecting our members, regulars or any player will not be tolerated. If you are not a |SSDi|member, do not put the tag on. You will receive only one warning. Followed by a punishment set by a present admin.

3. No form of abuse, trolling of other players or discrimination real or implied will be tolerated by ANY admin on this server. Give respect to all other players on the server, and try to avoid arguments. Admins have the right to make their own decisions in order to keep the atmosphere friendly on the servers.

4. Your name and your tag will be scrutinized. There will be no tolerance for nicknames that glorify terrorism or attacks. Examples include Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Mujhadeen, Osama, Saddam and Taliban. These names are not all inclusive. Names that glorify or promote the use of hacks and cheats will not be permitted. Names that advertise servers, irc channels and web sites of other clans are not acceptable without permission. 

5. Offensive sprays are not allowed on the server. What's offensive is decided by the present admin. They might result in everything from kicks to a lifelong ban from the servers. There will be only one warning written in “admintext”.
Pictures of Extreme porn/sexuall violence will result in a permanent ban.

6. Please follow the instructions of the Admins at all times. Their word is final on the servers. If you have issues with what the admin of the server is saying, please visit our forums and post your concerns. The clan leaders will handle the situation. 

7. Please attempt to accomplish mission objectives. If it is a de_map then plant or defuse the bomb, cs_map rescue or guard the hostages, as_map assassinate or rescue the VIP. 
Note that this only goes for the Normal server.

8. Camping is allowed if it assists you in accomplishing mission objectives. Examples include Terrorists camping the hostages on Italy, or Counter-Terrorists guarding a dropped bomb on Aztec. Camping in the same spot round after round without helping to achieve a I.e bomb detonation is not allowed. Note that this only goes for the Normal server.

9. Spawn killing is not allowed.

10. Abuse of "Noobs" will not be tolerated. We are a Noob friendly server. If you are a Noob, please identify yourself to an admin so that we can keep an eye on you and help you out. If you have questions or need advice ask an admin. Do not be worried about what the other players think. We were all Noobs once, and we have not forgotten how difficult it can be to find a great server and great people to play with. 

11. If you suspect someone is cheating then please inform an Admin. The admin will acknowledge you and then they will assess and deal with the situation. Please do not continue to tell the admin that the person is cheating. Once we acknowledge your initial statement please continue with your game. If no admin is available, please report the person in our forums, reports that don't include a demo will not be taken seriously.

12. No intentional Team Killing (TK). Our servers have friendly fire turned ON. Intentional TKs will be subject to punishment from Admins up to and including a lifetime ban. If you accidentally attack or TK anyone, have some manners and apologize, let them know it was an accident. 

13. No bitching or whining about tk punishment |SSDi| members 9\10 times will freezebomb. 
If you Tk, the player has the right to punish and if you get caught in one of these deal with it screaming down the mic or abusive typing will not be help you and you may end up with a permanent ban.

14. Knife fights... make you way to the other player as quickly as possible don't camp on the roof and watch the other player run around looking for you. 

15.Knife fights, if both players agree to have a knife fight do not use your gun if your losing or don't want to lose your points or take them from a friend this also goes for suicide i.e. jumping to your death

16.If your use of profanity exceeds acceptable levels, (acceptable levels are as deemed appropriate by the admin present at the time), then you WILL be asked to tone it down, if you do not do so you WILL find yourself kicked and possibly banned.
The use of the C word is not acceptable EVER on the servers. 
Please also bear in mind, if this behavior continues then swearing will be met with an immediate temporary ban.
If you do not agree with a punishment, please post your opinion on the forum and the clan leaders will take care of it.

17.No Bunnyhopping with or without scripts, the server is noob friendly so those who know how to bunnyhop please do not use it on the servers as it gives you the upperhand!

All punishments are decided by the present Admin.

If you have any questions or complains regarding this document, feel free to contact any of admins in the team. A full list can be found here, Admins

Your Admin Team

SSDi Finduz 25-08-12

 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 15:25 
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Joined: 29 Apr 2012 21:13
Posts: 202
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Maybe add "Admin shall be the final arbiters in any dispute. They may include/enforce any rule which they see fit, even though it may not necessarily be written here"?

 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 17:37 
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vviggy {l Wrote}:
Maybe add "Admin shall be the final arbiters in any dispute. They may include/enforce any rule which they see fit, even though it may not necessarily be written here"?

Oh please do. Not naming names here but I'm getting sick and tired of people in voice chat whining about everything when they get killed.

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 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 20:34 
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Joined: 28 Apr 2009 20:35
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yer, wiggies right, Arbitors (or wot evva ) is a bad word to use, as most people who play css are dumb..........

Try "All rules are to be broken only by admins if any admin wishes to break them "


 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 20:52 
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Joined: 17 Aug 2012 21:38
Posts: 25
yer, wiggies right, Arbitors (or wot evva ) is a bad word to use, as most people who play css are dumb..........

Try "All rules are to be broken only by admins if any admin wishes to break them "


I think what vviggy is saying is "whatever admin says - is rule, even if not written"

Dont think it would be right to give admin permission to break rules as then everyone will just copy when no admins are on, and would also bring the name and reputation of the community / clan into disrepute.

Although im just a community player and not "clan" but thought it wouldnt hurt to add an opinion :ok:

 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 21:03 
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Joined: 13 Dec 2008 18:41
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yer, wiggies right, Arbitors (or wot evva ) is a bad word to use, as most people who play css are dumb..........

Try "All rules are to be broken only by admins if any admin wishes to break them "


pretty much all of our admins use "common sense" when enforcing server rules, no admin seems to use their power for their own good or for needlessly abusing players. we can have our server full every night with great people or with assholes, keep it consistent and fair.
i think what Wiggy means is "that if an admin asks you to do/or not do something" then follow the admins instruction or suffer the punishment.

 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 21:09 
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dazzy {l Wrote}:
yer, wiggies right, Arbitors (or wot evva ) is a bad word to use, as most people who play css are dumb..........

Try "All rules are to be broken only by admins if any admin wishes to break them "


I think what vviggy is saying is "whatever admin says - is rule, even if not written"

Dont think it would be right to give admin permission to break rules as then everyone will just copy when no admins are on, and would also bring the name and reputation of the community / clan into disrepute.

Although im just a community player and not "clan" but thought it wouldnt hurt to add an opinion :ok:

Yeh, u r right Dazzy, I wasn't saying it was ok for admin to break rules.

I wrote "They may include/enforce any rule which they see fit, even though it may not necessarily be written here", to "include" means they can add a rule, to "enforce" means they can punish ppl for breaking a rule. I did not say admin can disregard a rule.

Also, if u think "arbiters" is a bit confusing, then perhaps it should read "Admin shall always have the final decision in any dispute".

I thought that it was pretty straight-forward what I wrote but evidently not for some ppl (no names mentioned :Gimp: )

The reason I said to include it was to prevent ppl saying "Well what u said I did wrong wasn't in the rules!" which seems to be a mantra I'm hearing all too often lately.

 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 21:13 
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i abuse my admin a bit......... but only a little bit, and i dont think it does any harm, or we'd be swamped with complaints ;)
but yer, common sense > rules, as rules are a guid line, .......... if we think someone is being a "dick" but not breaking any rules, we still gunna abuse em :)

 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 21:26 
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Joined: 29 Apr 2012 21:13
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i abuse my admin a bit......... but only a little bit, and i dont think it does any harm, or we'd be swamped with complaints ;)
but yer, common sense > rules, as rules are a guid line, .......... if we think someone is being a "dick" but not breaking any rules, we still gunna abuse em :)

This rule I say about isn't to make admin more powerful, it's so that when ppl do something wrong that isn't expressly written in the rules, u r still covered - It's a "catch all" clause.

A good example is say, when someone is kicked for constant bunny-hopping. Now there's nothing at the moment in the rules that says bhopping isn't allowed so the kid could say "well, there's nothing about bhopping being illegal". If u included my clause then admin could say "it is covered, check this section".

 Post subject: Re: Server Rules
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012 21:29 
I know all Biebers Lyrics
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Joined: 23 Feb 2011 20:57
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{l Quote}:
6. Please follow the instructions of the Admins at all times. Their word is final on the servers. If you have issues with what the admin of the server is saying, please visit our forums and post your concerns. The clan leaders will handle the situation.

Pretty much says that You always should follow what the admin says

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