
Hard days coming
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Author:  Kaney [ 10 Jan 2013 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Hard days coming

Alright, i want to let you guys know that i do not know how active i'm going to be over the next couple of weeks/months. This might really take a while so i might really not be around. Basically i'm not 100% sure right now because of a few facts that are still not sorted. (workwise)

Well, i'm going to explain it so you guys can make yourself a picture.


- We are nearly done with building or new Warehouse, it's going to be tough in a few weeks. All the moving and stuff. I will most likely do lot's of hours then and will be totally knackered when i get home.
- My workmate... a while a go (i mentioned this on shoutbox i think), my workmates son hung himself in their Garage. He had his first day at work again Last Monday. Basically he is doing better now, at least a little bit. Though, there are some problems that are doing his head in. When we actually got loads of work to do, he's normal and even smiling and laughing sometimes. Then again when we don't have much work to do, he starts to think about it.... and that's shite...
His Wife is not getting over it, she got mental problems anyways and now she actually thinks that her son is talking to her... Telling her that he's waiting in Heaven for her and stuff. You probably can imagine how hard that is for my workmate. Anyways, his daughter is a problem also. She seems to be very strong. She's laughing alot and smiling 24/7. Basically she does not get why they got candles in the house and are crying alot. She is already 17, yet she didn't realise what happened yet. They say it will probably come later.

My Life:

- Well, it's 2013. I was trying to loose weight last year. Wich worked semi-good. I actually lost weight, but then stopped going to Gym after i got my Hand twisted on work (could not lift weights). I simply didn't go then anymore. Wich is my own fault. So i will be going again, this time pretty hard. Basically i have been watching alot of Dwayne Johnson recently, also known as the Wrestler ''The Rock''. He has been inspiring me pretty hard the last couple of days, not his looks (i dont want to get that much pumped), but his discipline. He stands up early every day, working really hard in Gym and stuff. That totally got me into the mood again.
Basically i will be going to Gym 5-6 Days a week, depending on work. So this is how my days will look like:

10 hrs (might be more when moving) work
2 hrs Gym
1 hrs Home Cardio-Training

Then i might pop into Forums or stuff, depending on how early i got out of work i might also play a round or two. This will most likely calm down as soon as we are done with the moving.

It might happen that i won't be online at all. I just don't want you guys to wonder where i disappeared to, if i do. ;)


Author:  wavy [ 10 Jan 2013 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

we will be here for you Stefan, take it easy

Author:  bob [ 10 Jan 2013 18:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

Err!! how did you say you twisted that wrist.......hmmm ponders in deep thought of Stef twisting wrist.hmmmm

well all be here waiting for ya buddy.....

Author:  skiron [ 10 Jan 2013 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

I wish you all the luck Stef and hope that the stress level decreases when the new warehouse is ready.

Author:  Enigma [ 10 Jan 2013 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

Certainly looks like you're going to be busy Stefan...hope everything goes to plan.

Author:  STEALTH NINJA [ 10 Jan 2013 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

Good luck with the training............ and DONT QUIT !
also, good to hear you're busy at work too, a lot of places are really sturggling !

Author:  ice_man [ 10 Jan 2013 19:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

Hard times comes for ya..if your going to do all this for a longer period.. But we all wish you good luck and may the best come out of it..

We will all be here when you comes back...or just want to kill the last hour at the end of the day mate!

Cheers :pint:

Edit: BTW, liked those quotes you have in your signature Stefan.. Remember them at all times and I dont think you can fail mate!!

Author:  Serialkiller [ 10 Jan 2013 19:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

He's German Chris, they aint struggling! ;p

...................and no worries Stef, we aint going no where! :)


Author:  Elemental D [ 10 Jan 2013 20:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

You are a busy man stefan , goodluck and hope to see you around mate!
we are always here for a :pint:

Author:  Em@rel [ 12 Jan 2013 09:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard days coming

Hope it all goes well Stefan and see you when you return.

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