SSD-inc • Forum Chat
It is currently 05 Dec 2024 23:14

Mon 21:37 | truckydriver

Hi Guys, the server keeps crashing .. as in it disapears after end of last game and changing into new game... any ideads

Sat 15:20 | skiron

omg almost new year again!!!

Tue 15:27 | skiron


Sat 17:01 | skiron

happy saturday

Wed 23:19 | skiron


Tue 14:33 | skiron

hello today

Sun 06:09 | lemonguy18

aww I would of loved to Kaney if only you'd asked a month earlier, But nice to see both yourself and June here! hope you both doing well!

Sat 20:50 | Kaney

Hello guys, anyone on the Server tonight? This oldtimer might pop onto it :)

Sat 19:32 | Junemx

Heartbreaking to read about coopster! Really hope he gets the medical help he needs x

Fri 22:46 | skiron


Mon 18:57 | skiron

happy monday all

Tue 13:57 | lemonguy18

I have no really been taking any honestly, ill make sure to start doing so and start posting them in a thread soon! :D

Fri 18:57 | skiron

heey lemon, send us some pics please

Fri 09:27 | lemonguy18

Stay safe and healthy all!

Fri 09:27 | lemonguy18

hello from Tokyo all, hope you all doing well just thought I'd post to let you all know I am here savely and settled now already started the school grind sadly checked my ping to the server and its a no go being 240 ish so you'll have your freedom from me shooting heads till next August when I am back in UK for 2 weeks

Tue 15:47 | skiron

Tue 14:06 | skiron

still no alternative found for the game stats... :(

Mon 23:39 | skiron

merry monday all

Fri 22:03 | skiron

should work now, i ve activated the account

Thu 21:07 | lemonguy18

can somebody look at boom's forum account as it is telling him he is unable to login due to account being made inactive, thanks!

Thu 21:06 | lemonguy18


Thu 18:30 | skiron

I think Floyd banned Malta, he can come on the forum for an unban request.

Thu 18:29 | skiron

hello there

Wed 23:24 | truckydriver

cheack this time on gameMe..26 Sep 2024 00:18:22..this guy comes on and starts to abuse the game so i kicked him. he came back on and thats what he typed.. so banned perm

Sun 17:31 | lemonguy18

I might be on in an hour or 2 just in the middle of sorting food
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